Friday, March 27, 2009

Josh Groban Makes Me Melt, But Hey, So Does My Darling!

In case you all didn't know...

Josh Groban,J.G, makes me melt



But what he did at the Grammy's made me giggle. Hmmm.
He WAS making an awfully lot of funny faces.

And in case you didnt' catch what Joshy did at the Grammy's, here it is:

Hey...wait a minute...
...wait a minute...
...Hold on...
*closes eyes, puts fingers togethers and meditates in yoga position*
* eyes pops open*
*smiles with twinkling eyes*
My darling J.K makes me melt and does funny faces too. :)

Marvelous, Jolly good!
P.s If you're wondering what in the world he was doing...he was trying to imitate me. Hmmm.